All Reni's Blogs (⌒▽⌒)☆


From here, I will freely express myself and share all my thoughts there, comments are enabled hopefully, I am open for discussions, want my opinions on certain thing you like? I will make a blog post about it!

Why are you doing this?

I just felt that social media doesn't provide (and never will) freedom of expression and knowledge, I personally believe that people uses social media as entertainment and others uses it for engagement to become famous and later they get called out by their haters. Having your own page to express yourself and share what you have in mind won't put you on stress and you can discuss with others without a worry! this is why I decided to ditch social media and not post anything but rather only use it to collect some images and official news account info.

Will you still use social media?

I will only use social media for gathering some cute media to use/share and staying update with news I care from official news account, I will only keep using pinterest and tumblr to find new things to try and gather some styles for my future webs! I will not use social media to share or post my thoughts and knowledge.

is it okay if I criticize your blogs or disagree with you?

I am absolutely fine with anyone disagree with me or criticizing my blogs as long as you keep it respectful, I like to discuss with people who criticizes my thoughts to refresh my knowledge, if you would to correct me, go ahead I won't stop you, but please keep it respectful because it makes me stressed.

is there anything you would like to try?

I am currently trying to make a github page and migrate all my blogs here, but I will still use this site (if possible) until I get uncomfortable with it (likely won't).

how do I get notified though?

you get notified through either email or RSS, but I will assume that you don't know RSS and you don't care about it much, so you can stick with email, the only downside is my blogs will be spent in a plain text so markdowns will not be supported.


if I want to share my knowledge and thoughts to other or for anyone to see, all will be posted here (hopefully)!

Start reading now pookie!! (* ^ ω ^)

Konata Izumi